The old year is slowly drifting away while the new one is about to be born. What will it bring us? One thing is sure – it’s going to be a “wow” year, with many important changes and surprising events. There will be sudden leaps in human consciousnes, leading to important discoveries and new lifestyles, but also devastating weather and other natural events. Like every year, I hear you say. Sure, only in 2020, several of those events will be somehow “extra”. Unusual. Unheard of. Unimaginable. I expect that at least one such event will keep the public interest for several years to come.
My forecasts (or let’s rather say expectations or strong possibilities) are mainly focused on the first part of the year, because a year of time is just too long to deal with in one blog. I’m sure you understand 😉
You will notice that many of those forecasts point to periods of stress, but this cannot be avoided. The reality of our existence is such that whenever things go according to plan, this is no news. A news is when things go wrong.
In November this year, I had a talk at an astrology conference in Bulgaria. I introduced it with a question, addressed to the audience: What are the two events in the 21st century that stand out as most prominent? Two events that attracted major media attention, even for years to come, and are therefore the most memorable? The audience was uniform in the belief that those two events were the Twin Tower attack of 11 September 2001 and the great Honshu (Japanese, Fukushima) earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011.
What do the two events have in common, was my next question. Anything at all? Well, apparently not. Except that both happened on the 11th of a month, but that’s not something worth scratching our heads over. Located on different continents, one event was caused by humans, the other by nature. The devastating force that destroyed thousands of human lives, came from above (an aircraft terrorist attack) in the first instance while in the second, it came from below grounds (an earthquake). The numbers of casualties and the amount of material damage are also not comparable.
Yet, there was something that linked both events. I showed this “something” in the form of a graph:
The “secret link” is the Moon’s declination! In both instances, the Moon was reaching its monthly declination of 23.5 – the maximum declination of the Sun. As you may know, the Moon slowly advances in its monthly maximum for 9.5 consecutive years, reaches its upper maximum of about 28.5 degrees (major lunar standstill) and then keeps receding for another 9.5 years to achieve its minimum monthly declination (major lunar standstill) of about 18 degrees.
The 23.5 declination degree is extremely sensitive and important in astrological forecasting, because it marks the plane of the Sun’s maximum declination in its yearly cycle north and south of the equatorial plane (Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn).
My research into the previous years and months when the Moon was reaching 23.5 degrees, has confirmed my assumption that the lunar declination cycle has a very strong effect upon earthly matters, and led me to believe that we can expect another event of great importance for the Earth and its inhabitants in March 2020 (possibly late February or early April) when the Moon will again be reaching the 23.5 degree. Unfortunately, though, such events are not something to look forward to. Huge calamities, extremely strong earthquakes, airplane crashes and massive loss of life and substance due to some other natural or “unnatural” causes are the norm in such periods. Caused by man or nature – it really doesn’t matter because the same force goes through all life, animate and inanimate. We people are part of nature!
Where on Earth, and when exactly could such an event take place? That is more complicated! As for “when”, the most sensitive dates are going to be those around the Moon’s maximum declination(s) which are 5 March, 17 March and 1 April (take a day around each date). 19 February and 13 April should also be considered. The next perilous dates are the midpoint (in time) between the two accompanying solar eclipses which is 24 March (incidentally also the day of the New Moon which will exactly square the 26 December 2019 solar eclipse), add the previous couple of days because the node will transit that eclipse degree on 22 March. So – the period between (roughly) 20 and 27 March is most likely to bring huge events of the kind described in the above paragraph. What’s more – the event could be a very unusual one, something that the world has never experienced before.
Let me repeat those perilous days (add a day before and after the listed dates), with a few additions: 19 February; 5, 15, 17, 22, 24 March; 13 April. 26/27 December 2019, plus 10 and 23 January could be added, as well as 28 April, because the Moon will then come very close to 23.5. Take for example 26/27 December which is at the time of this writing already behind us. The Moon had then achieved its southern maxima of 23 degrees 14 minutes which is already within half a degree orb of 23 degrees 27 minutes. There was an airplane accident in Kazakhstan on 27 December, killing 12 and injuring 60! “Incidentally”, on the same day, a sightseeing helicopter crashed on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, killing seven people on board.
Turbulent events on or around January 10 are all the more possible because this date is closely preceeded by Jupiter transit of the south node and Saturn transit over Pluto.
Am I exaggerating? Am I being negative, pessimistic or sensational? I would love this to be the case because I don’t want to see another catastrophe in the manner of 9/11 or Fukushima shaking the world. But let us just look at some of the other calamities that took place in the months (or close to them) when the Moon was reaching 23.5. in the (relatively) recent history:
As for the “where”, I am including 2 graphs that show the possible locations of stress. The first is the ACG map of the midpoint between the two accompanying eclipses, including only the Sun, the Moon, the lunar node, Saturn and Uranus lines, and the second map shows additional localities based on the eclipse paths and their extension lines.
Note that the most possible locations of stress which could lead to a strong earthquake or an aircraft accident, are those containing Uranus. (See Kazakhstan, for example, heavily loaded with several lines, including Uranus/MC on the second map.)
The British Queen Elizabeth II looks radiant and in good health, but that is only public image. In other words, I think that we don’t know everything. The eclipse of 2 July 2019 was conjuncting her Pluto and sesquisquaring her Saturn, while transitting Pluto, natally placed in her 6th house of illness, has been lingering on her ascendant, which makes me wonder whether her vital energy is not seriously depleted. I think that inwards she feels tired and ready to hand over the throne to her heir, Prince Charles. In addition to her own ill condition, there is the precarious health of her husband, Prince Philip, who is now, at the turn of the year, in for several months of physical weakness and possible worsening of his health.
The progressed lunar declination cycle of the Queen shows an imminent turn, with the Moon reaching its maximum southern declination in the coming months. The last time this happened was in 1992 which was one of the worst years for the Queen. She once referred to that year as “annus horribilis”: three royal marriages collapsed back then, a huge fire seriously damaged the Windsor Castle, and there was a scandal involving Sarah Fergusson, Duchess of York.
2019 has been “bumpy” for her so far, as we know, but 2020 looks worse – especially the first half of the year when her progressed Sun squares her natal Sun (in February, suggesting difficulties involving husband, vitality and general well-being), progressed Moon opposes Pluto (in March and April) and conjuncts her south node (in June). On top of that, Saturn will square her Sun in the second half of March and at the end of June, deepening and worsening the February issues.
But the second half of the year is obviously bringing her relief, with the 21 June total solar eclipse sextiling her Sun, possibly enabling her to make a decision regarding her reign. It would be a miracle if this wouldn’t end by the end of the year. Because, you see, the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, taking place in December 2020, will exactly square her Sun! What’s more, the December 2020 solar eclipse at 23 Sagittarius will make an exact midpoint between her natal Saturn and Jupiter, whereas in her son’s chart, the progressed Moon will enter Capricorn right in the beginning of 2020, making a nice trine with his natal Moon in the 10th which will be favorably aspected by the June 21 solar eclipse anyway. The change, I think, looks imminent.
The 21 June eclipse will make a profound impact on Prince William’s life too, obviously, because the Sun will be eclipsed exactly on the spot where it was on the day of his birth. What could this mean? Whereas a trine to Jupiter is certainly favorable and suggests an improved public image, and also success for his father, the eclipse could nevertheless bring certain changes to his marriage. His progressed Moon has been in Scorpio for a while, indicating that his domestic / emotioanl affairs have not run smoothly over the past two years. There have been rumors of his secret affair which undoubtedly have a grain of truth in them. The 26 December 2019 solar eclipse exactly opposed his natal Moon in the 7th which suggests that the troubles are not, and will not be over. Anything is possible, even another child (maybe just to keep the marriage going), but the change will be important and profound.
I find it fascinating how the Bitcoin price dropped heavily early in 2018, with the 6 February low taking place just a couple of days after the transitting Pluto conjuncted its Sun! Pluto was lingering on the Bitcoin Sun throughout 2018, making a triple conjunction with it and keeping its price low. The year-low took place towards the middle of December 2018, just around the time of the last conjunction.
Contrary to that extremely restrictive influence (Pluto being the planet of crises and lows), in 2020, Jupiter will conjunct the Bitcoin Sun, starting in early March and ending around 23 October. According to astrological laws, Jupiter as the planet of expansion and wealth could well raise the price of Bitcoin substantially in 2020.
My research on the Jupiter crossings of ecliptic – happening roughly every 5-6 years – suggests that in such times, the Jupiterian principles of growth, expansion, faith and goodwill go through a change. They either become magnified, resulting in increased generosity or acts of mercy, for example, or there is some phenomenal loss of money and substance, asking the world community to come together and help those in need. Another possibility is some unfortunate turn of events in the governmental/ political/economic sphere which can, in extreme cases, lead to substantial changes in world economy.
Anything is possible, but one thing is sure – sums become doubled or tripled in such times, either those given in payment for something or those taken away by force majeure.
Examples: Nelson Mandela, the leader of the movement to end South African apartheid, was released from prison after 27 years on 11 February 1990 – exact month of the Jupiter ecliptic crossing. On 4 June 1996, within days of another Jupiter crossing, the space rocket Ariane 5 exploded forty seconds after takeoff in French Guiana. The project costed European governments $7,500,000,000 over eleven years. On December 2001, the People’s Republic of China was granted permanent normal trade status with the United States. In April 2008, the United States House of Representatives voted to provide $50 billion over five years to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa and other third world areas, whereas the Jupiter crossing of November 2013 was phenomenal because it coincided with a total solar eclipse, giving rise to Typhoon Haiyan. On November 13, the total international aid for the typhoon victims had reached over $140 million, with total damage being estimated to $2.98 billion. Some record sums were paid on the same day: Francis Bacon’s painting of his friend Lucian Freud, Three Studies of Lucian Freud (1969), was sold for $142.4 million. A 14.82-carat orange diamond set a world record after it was sold at a Christie’s auction in Geneva for $35.5 million. At the same auction, a pink diamond was sold for US$83.2 million, setting a new world record.
My research suggests that there is a difference in expression between Jupiter heading north and heading south. Northern celestial latitudes tend to be better (more favorable, as if lending better expressions to planetary energies) than the southern ones. Unfortunately, the 2020 February crossing is to the south. Bearing in mind that the annular solar eclipse of 26 December 2019 was conjuncting Jupiter – same as the May 1929 eclipse which preceeded the 1929 Wall Street Crash – this Jupiter crossing could give rise to the next world recession. On the other hand, Jupiter will not reach its southern maxima before September 2021 which is another possible trigger.
The question mark is hardly needed here because periods of OOB (out-of-bounds) Mars are notorious for an increase in mass violence and various accidents related to fire and traffic – especially those of an unusual, odd or bizarre nature.
In 2020, Mars will be OOB from 9 February to 2 March. It will remain barely outside the 23.5 degree throughout its OOB period, making its OOB expression rather stronger than weaker.
Compare this to the period between 17 March and 7 April 2018 when, similarly, Mars was also lingering close to the 23.5 degree, from the beginning to the end of its OOB period. It started with a a piper PA-23 passenger aircraft crash on 17 March, continued with a tragic death of a Cirque du Soleil artist on 18 March, followed by the death of a pedestrian who was hit by a self-driving car run by Uber – the first death of this kind – on 19 March. Another unusual traffic accident happened on 28 March when a New Zealand light aircraft plane was brought down at Waihi after colliding with a drone – or so the pilot claimed. But there was more. On March 30, a hot air balloon hit a tree near Sydney, Australia, wounding 16 people. Quite a few unusual traffic accidents in a relatively short time frame, don’t you think so? March 31 was packed with fires and other accidents, as was March 25, the day with the Moon stationing at 20 north, when a fire in a shopping centre in Kemerovo, Russia, killed at least 64 people, the majority of whom were children. Another “record-breaking” day was 3 April when (among many other accidents) an air traffic control system failure in Europe delayed up to 15.000 flights. This Mars OOB period ended on 7 April when a man drove a van into a group of people in Münster, Germany, killing two and injuring 30.
So, what to expect in February 2020? Something along those lines, for sure, but I will of course not say “brace yourself” because such things never happen to us, only to others, right? 😉
Based on antoher research I have done, the periods when Neptune is aligned with Pluto – either by a dynamic longitudinal aspect or by a parallel of declination or latitude – very often synchronise with an increase in infectious diseases and epidemics. Among other things, of course, but this is the most obvious and common expression of the aspect that can affect masses.
In October 2020, the two planets will make an exact parallel of latitude, therefore I think that the world could be in for another health crisis / epidemic. For the time being, I have no clue what specific infectious disease this could refer to, or where in the world it could take place, but be careful. Just in case 😉
Wow you definitely picked up on covid! October seems to be the resurgence. Your research is amazing!
The new virus has arrived on the world stage just in time to coincide with your forecast.
Yes, indeed. Thanks for your feedback! 🙂 Please read my new blog on the virus.
Hi Jeannette, thank you 🙂 Plus China – note the eclipse path!!!
Dear Ema,
Thank you for publishing your interesting work. Just to add to your Neptune aligning to Pluto of disease and epidemics there have been recent outbreaks of measles in the island of Samoa and its surrounding islands. Deaths have been occurring apparently to this virus, but it is otherwise speculated by anti Vaccine groups that the deaths are caused by the vaccinations and not the virus. Please see The Medical profession is putting a cap on this.
Thank you, and sorry for late reply. One wishes it would stay with the measles… 😉