COVID-19 and possible future pandemics

When I predicted a new epidemic for 2020 in my blog of 31 December 2019, I made a small mistake by expressing the opinion that it would break out in the fall. I should have known better – after all, it was me who have discovered that in parallels of latitude, the orb of influence is 20 minutes (of arc). Incidentally (but not so, of course), the disease broke out around New Year when the distance between Neptune and Pluto – the two planets that “caused” the onset of epidemic – was pretty much exactly 20 minutes!

The first death was reported on 11 January and in less than three months, WHO declared a COVID-19 pandemic, with well over 110,000 confirmed cases and over 4000 dead.

Now, what is to follow? It is a million-dollar question, of course! It would seem logical that the pandemic could get worse in the fall (October particularly), but then again, China has (by the time of this writing) pretty much won the battle with the virus, giving us hope that we could do the same – in about the same time span. That’s what we aim for, and that’s what might well happen.

Problem is, the virus is currently thriving mostly in the well-to-do countries of Western Europe which has modern medical facilities and is probably more organized than much of the rest of the world. What is to happen if – when – the disease hits poorer countries with weaker health systems and peoples with a lesser awareness of the importance of personal hygiene?

It would be a tragedy, but this is, unfortunately, just what could happen.

My research has shown that whatever is suggested by the aspects or particular placements of the slow-moving planets, gets expressed in localities that are activated by the nearest eclipses. With the beginning phase of COVID-19, that had to be China, because the eclipse was culminating accross the middle region of the country, and it was also squaring the asc/desc line in those regions. It also had to be Italy because the eclipse was squaring the MC/IC line there. The ancient ruler of fever and inflammation is Mars, so there’s no wonder Mars was culminating over Iran and setting close to South Korea – the countries most affected so far.

So – what comes next? March is not going to be easy – quite to the contrary! We have Jupiter conjuncting Pluto on 16, the December 2019 eclipse reactivation on 22 and the eclipse-midpoint and New Moon on 24, so the situation is not likely to get less stressed soon. Whereas the above-mentioned dates (including a couple of days around those dates) will certainly bring other kinds of troubles to the world (natural or aviation disasters, add the refugee crisis in Europe), there is no reason to believe that the COVID-19 would subside, under such circumstances. There could be an upsurge of confirmed cases along the eastern Unites States, France, England, Thailand and Indonesia.

I believe that the worst could be over by mid-April – at least in Europe. But let us not forget that the parallel between Neptune and Pluto is still forming – that is, the aspect is applying, not separating – and that is kind of worrisome.

It is possible, of course, that the pandemics escalates anew in the fall, or that it reassurges in the areas where it would have been suppressed by then, but it is also possible (and even more so) that it “relocates” to areas where it would have caused only minor trouble by then. Another (minor) possibility is – a new virus, a new epidemic.

A picture tells more than a thousand words, so let us look at those areas that might become critical in the second half of 2020:

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I have included Neptune and Pluto lines here; the Neptune lines come close to those of Mars and the eclipse, making for more stress or weakness in the designated areas. These are the Indian subcontinent (very dangerous – also for natural disasters, especially reated to water i.e. floods), central United States, eastern Australia, Africa, and – China, again!

Now, the combination of Neptune and Pluto also causes floods. Floods might be better than another pandemic, but whatever it will be, it is not going to be easy. The 21 June 2020 annular solar eclipse will be in an exact inconjunct with Saturn, and as you might know, this is an aspect of illness and death.

According to my research, all the worst epidemics and pandemics in history have manifested at the time of major Neptune/Pluto or Neptune/Saturn contacts. By “contacts” I mean aspects in longitude, declination and latitude, or the involvement of a pair of planets in a major eclipse. Sometimes, the trigger can be Neptune’s arrival at a critical degree (equator, ecliptic, station etc.)

Let us now look into the next 50 years to see when another major epidemic / pandemic could start. We must bear in mind, of course, that minor, localized epidemics take place quite often, nearly every year. But I am not referring to those; my aim is to point to those period that will almost certainly bring us a major, a novel or at least a worrying epidemic / pandemic. No locations are mentioned as yet.

The intesity of the contacts listed below varies, and the conclusion of my research suggests that we could be in for another pandemic in 2025-26 and between 2061-65. The other periods will almost certinly bring a major epidemic, but it would doubtfully develop into a pandemic.

2022: Neptune/Saturn parallel of latitude

2026 (or 2025-26): Neptune equator crossing plus a parallel of declination with Saturn; could start already in early 2025 due to a “neptunian” total lunar eclipse involvement, and Neptune entering Aries; this epidemic could involve anoter novel virus.

2031: Neptune/Saturn parallel of latitude

2037-38: Neptune/Saturn parallel of declination

2052-53: Neptune/Saturn parallel of latitude

2061-63 or 65: Neptune/Saturn parallel of declination in 2061-63, plus a Neptune/Pluto square forming between 2061 and 2065

This would be all for now – stay safe 🙂

P.s. Today it is 13 March and I must write this post-scriptum! Namely, my friend Amrain from SA has turned my attention to a Joe Rogan’s short interview with Michael Osterholm, the director of the University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Diseases, who believs that the virus was most probably transmitted to a human in the “third week of November”. 2019, of course. Wow, that is so interesting, because Neptune was stationing then, and we astrologers know that important stages in Neptune cycle show important changes in virus-related issues! So, if that is true (and it most probably is), then we have a good chance to see a strong remission of the disease in June of this year – because Neptune goes retrograde then! Plus, there is an annular solar eclipse on June 21, and we know that big things start and end with strong solar eclipses. Could be the humanity’s ultimate win over the virus? Even a decisive remission would be extremely welcome 🙂

P.s. My book Horary Astrology: Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases is available on all world Amazons

7 thoughts on “COVID-19 and possible future pandemics

  • Tamara

    Hvala Ema, dobro zapisano. Res, astrologija je veda in za takšne zapise je potrebno imeti znanje, izkušnje, čas. Komaj čakam naslednjo knjigo o deklinacijah. Knjigo Horarna astrologija je odlična in jo priporočam vsakemu, ki ga ta veda zanima, da si jo kupi.
    Veliko uspeha še naprej!

  • Aleksandra

    TY Ema, very useful, your work and researches on the virus matter are priceless. Some high seated people shout read it to.

  • Anonymous

    Beautifully explained and need to do more research by data collection of the events timing..Look forward to have a copy of your horary book.

  • Adrian

    Thanks for this follow-up Ema, I’ll be referring to it as the year unfolds.

    I wanted to touch on the Moon’s declination cycle you brought up in your last article, with major and minor lunar standstill. There are some diagrams out there that show why this is the case, but basically major standstill occurs when the north node is around the vernal equinox point, that is, around 0° ♈️. Conversely, the minor standstill occurs around the beginning of ♎️. Similarly, the sensitive ~23.5° declination occurs when the nodal axis is around the beginning of ♋️/♑️ . This can be verified looking at all 3 most recent occurrences: Sept. 11, 2001 (n. node at 3° ♋️), March 11, 2011 (n. node at 28° ♐️, just past ♑️), and now.

    There is an interesting parallel here with the “moon wobble” phenomenon, which (for other potential readers, of course) occurs when the sun is conjuncting or squaring the lunar nodes, which transpires several times a year and is associated with global misfortunes (I would imagine the squares are more painful but it’s just my conjecture). Given that the equinoxes (and solstices) are very much “solar” points, and thus can, symbolically, stand in place of the sun itself in a certain context, it’s very fitting that the transiting lunar nodes, in adverse aspect to these points, will also herald global misfortunes of some kind, and on a larger scale given the much longer cycle. It truly is as if the emissaries of the Dragon, Caput and Cauda Draconis, are waging war on the Sun god.

    PS – I’m scouting for an astrologically-fortuitous time to order Horary Astrology off Amazon.

    • admin

      Hi Adrian, tnx. I am just in the process of writing my declination book where all of this will be beautifully explained. An article is just an article – not all can be said, although I always try to be as educational as I can. In my Dec. 2019 blog, I specifically pointed out that such a wobble (although I did not use this expression) happens on 24 March this year (!!!) – and it will be especially significant because it will also happen on the day of the new moon, and what is more, tr. node will activate the eclipse degree simultaneously. The world could be in for a major disaster.

      • Adrian

        Ema, I’ve ordered the book and am sharing the chart with you here just for fun:

        It’s light on aspects but the chart ruler Mercury is prominently placed in the 10th conjunct Fortuna. The Moon (second only to the chart ruler in an electional chart, as I’ve learned it) is also in an angular house, and although it’s not apparent from the chart, she’s also the Lord(ess?) of the hour. (It’s Sunday, and we’re using Placidus houses: therefore, the ruler of the second half of the 12th house is the Sun, the ruler of the first half is Venus, ruler of the second half of the 11th is Mercury, and ruler of the first half of the 11th, where the Sun is situated in this chart, is the Moon — ChronosXP agrees). The malefics are tucked away in succeedent and cadent houses, but it will be interesting to see what Mars in the 8th will bring to this endeavor.

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