A total eclipse of the Sun on the longest day of the year? What effects could this have for the Earth and its inhabitants?
We had one on the same degree, only 11 arc minutes off, 19 years ago. But the 2001 one was “total total” whereas this years’ will be “annular total”. The physical difference is that with the total eclipse, the Moon completely cover the Sun whereas with an annular eclipse, the Moon is at apogee (or close to it), at its furthest from the Earth, so that it appears smaller, with the consequence that the outer ring of the Sun remains visible throughout the duration of the eclipse.
Total, annular and hybrid (a combination of total and annular) eclipses are stronger than partial ones. But is there an astrological difference between total and annular eclipses? None has been noted in astrological literature – at least to my knowledge – but my observation (or let’s rather say hypothesis) is that annular eclipses might be a bit milder or less destructive in their expression than the usual total ones. Especially if on the north node, like this one. Their duration plays a role, too. The 2001 eclipse lasted close to 5 minutes whereas this years’ will last only abot 40 seconds, or 1 minute 22 second at the area of its gratest duration (Congo in Africa).
The shortness of the eclipse suggests that the eclipse’s effects could be strong but short-lived, meaning that its potential should play itself out within half a year to a year. But all eclipses can be felt even before they actually take place – like a month or two ahead – meaning that we are already there. Or have been there for a while. Have we?
Before proceeding, let us take a look at the eclipse. As already mentioned, the eclipse will happen on the day of the summer solstice, when the Sun is at its most glorious – and the Sun is the symbol of power, pride, leadership. What or who is the most powerful, proud and glorious on this Earth? Before answering that question, let us remember 2001. The most powerful nation, in the eyes of the world, was then (and still is, I guess) the USA. Remember how its pride and power were put to the test when less than 3 months after that eclipse the Twin Towers collapsed, as a result of a terrorist attack? It was a hard blow to the greatest country in the world, the hardest in decades.
War on Terror, also known as Global War on Terrorism, started in early Fall of 2001 as a direct consequence of the 11 September attacks, and is still ongoing.
2001 was also the year of the world economic slowdown. History repeats itself – especially every 19 years or one Metonic cycle – so there’s a direct link here. Needless to say, it’s happening again. We know how and why this has been playing out – and it was, BTW, predicted by me in my December 2019 blog.
But along the similarities, there are differences, of course. Each eclipse is unique. Not only the degree of the eclipse itself and the accompanying nodes, but the placements of all the planets and sensitive degrees, specific for each location, have a say in the manner of an eclipse’s expression. As we can see on Picture 1, the current eclipse is in a partile inconjunction with Saturn, the planet of discipline, order, restrictions, frustrations etc., and of ill health. That’s not good, especiaally considering the fact that the inconjunction is the aspect with the 6/8 connotations (illness, crisis, loss).
Another strong feature of the eclipse chart is the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto – the mundane aspect which doesn’t bode well for “big finance”. DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) hit bottom on 23 March this year – just when the December 2019 solar eclipse was reactivated by a new Moon on 4 Aries – but the aspect which was underlying this process (the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto) is still ongoing, and will perfect for the second time (in the retrograde phase) at the end of June – just before the partial lunar eclipse of July 4 – and for the third and last time (in the direct phase) towards the middle of November.
The eclipse chart is cast for New York where Pluto will be exactly on MC. Doesn’t bode well for finances, again, especially for the stock market based in New York. In other words, the US stock market is not safe and could soon be hitting another low.
Picture 4 is the world ACG/locational map cast for the eclipse. For the sake of clarity, I have included only the eclipse, nodal and Saturn lines. Aspects included are conjunction, opposition and square. The red crooked line is the eclipse path whereas the red vertical and horizontal lines are the so-called extension lines – the additional areas vibrating with the eclipse’s energy.
As you can see, the area most heavily loaded by the eclipse’s vibrations is India (eclipse on MC), but also the African continent, China and Indonesia. Eclipse anti-culminates along the middle regions of the north American continent, affecting the US and Mexico.
I have expressed my concern that COVID-19 could “relocate” with this eclipse to the regions where it had not done much damage at its outbreak, mostly India, but that it could also resurrect in China. (See my blog of 12 March 2020.) The current outlook confirms this, with the situation worsening in India, Pakistan (lying on the eclipse path), Mexico, and with a recent new severe outbreak in Beijing, China. Note that Beijing is at an exact square of the eclipse degree! Eastern Australia also doesn’t look safe.
Apart form the danger of COVID-19 second wave, or relocating to new territories, there is the possibility of natural disasters, of course. Like always with total, but also partial eclipses. This one looks pretty damaging, and it has already shown its effects, mainly in India. The severe tropical cyclone Nisarga that devastated regions north of Mumbai, hit just before the partial lunar eclipse of June 5, with the location spot on Moon/MC. Picture 4 shows this in detail. In this case, the lunar and solar eclipse worked hand-in-hand, reinforcing each other.
More bad weather to be expected in the coming months in the Indian subcontinent, I’m afraid, along with other inconveniences or even natural disasters. Scarcity of crops and lack of food could become a real problem also in Africa where locust swarms have already done lots of damage.
The next picture shows ACG map with Uranus and Pluto added to the eclipse lines. This is to show the areas that could, in the coming months, possibly be hit by a stronger earthquake or even a volcano outbreak. I should add that this is not a typical earthquake eclipse, so there is no big worry, but, still, earthquakes tend to be more severe and more frequent along the areas designated by the eclipses’ influence.
Indonesia comes to the fore, along with the rest of the far-eastern territory, as well as Alaska and possibly Greece. All areas along the eclipse path and its extension lines should also be closely watched.
Let us now look at the most possible dates/periods of eclipse’s reactivation. We know that it has been felt for a while. The eclipse in a tight stressful aspect with Saturn which in traditional astrology certainly would be associated with black people (as it is the “color” of black), properly reflects in the Black Lives Matter movement. The sheer intensity and volume of protests also expresses the power of the eclipse on the first degree of a cardinal sign – this being Cancer, ruled by the Moon and thus standing for the crowds, as opposed to the “king”. Masses of people fighting for their rights and thus challenging the authorities (eclipse involving Saturn in a tight aspect), this is a very astro-logical expression of the current configuration.
So – what comes next? The graph below depicts the dates/periods when the eclipse could be reactivated, in any of the forms hinted at in the above paragraphs, or by some other events/processes that will reflect the eclipse’s dampening, but at the same time invigorating energy. Eclipses on the north node are, after all, more creative and forward-looking than those taking place at the south node.
The first notable, but dangerous period are the last five days of June when Mars squares the node and the eclipse degree. Still within the eclipse season, political tensions in critical areas could escalate or even give rise to a terrorist attack. People will be generally more accident-prone in those days, so care should be taken while driving and handling hot/dangerous items. The next five days when the Moon will be nearing full, are also going to be quite stressful, but I will dedicate them another blog as they concern another eclipse (a partial lunar one).
Note the days when the transsaturnians cross their radix positions; with Uranus transits, the first taking place around October 10, for eample, stronger earthquakes are to be expected.
The graph is based on the eclipse run for Washington DC, because this city will become a hot-spot during the upcoming elections. It’s interesting to see Jupiter exactly on the MC of the eclipse chart on 3 November, the day of the US Presidential elections! Whereas on January 21, the inauguration date, Mars will cross the ascendant of the eclipse chart. Quite fascinating.
So much for now, I wish you all a Safe and Happy Eclipse season 🙂
Hvala Ema, zelo lepo obrazloženo zapisano in predstavljeno. Veliko truda vloženega, predvsem pa strokovno in razumljivo.
Thank you. Stay safe. I’m in Seattle`s MC 22 degrees Tr. Pluto Jupiter Pallas conj natal Sun. Jan 14 1865 .