SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Please note that my latest book DAILY MOON 2022 (an original daily lunar and planetary planner), published in 4 editions (for 4 different world regions ie time zones) is now available at all Amazon stores. As it is meant for a wider public (astrologers and laymen alike), it will make a nice Christmas gift for yourself and your family and friends. I advise you to order as soon as possible because Amazon deliveries are getting delayed at the close of the year (December especially).

Now, to the article.

It must have been November or December 2018 when a journalist writing for a women’s magazine approached me with questions that are so typical for that time of the year: What will 2019 bring us? The interview was published in the January 4, 2019 edition of the magazine, in my native language which is Slovenian. The following quotations are the exact transcript, translated from Slovenian, of some of the underlined bits of that interview.

‘From December 2019 onwards, there will be big changes. The solar eclipse of December 2019 will conjoin Jupiter, similarly to the eclipse that took place in 1929, the year of the infamous stock market crash. This celestial event will introduce recession in 2020. The eclipse effects will be mainly felt in China and the Unites states of America. Something will happen that will cause stock prices to fall. There will be a big crisis in March 2020 that will affect the whole world.’

‘Generally speaking, the year 2019 will not be critical, but 2020 it will be, due to the effect of several celestial phenomena playing out simultaneously. The Moon, measured in declination, will then be exceeding the maximum Sun’s declination of 23.5 degree, which often results in extreme events in nature and life in general. The world could be faced with a large-scale epidemic.’

My prediction was based on three major ‘signatures’ of 2020, those being the above-mentioned solar eclipse, the Moon crossing the 23.5 degree of declination, and the parallel of Neptune and Pluto, measured in celestial latitude.

I published a long article on my homepage at the end of 2019, as a blog post titled The 2020 Forecast, enlarging upon my 2018 prediction with a more detailed presentation of those signatures, and adding possible other expressions of those (and some other) cosmic influences. From the introduction: ‘One thing is sure – it’s going to be a “wow” year, with many important changes and surprising events. Like any other year, I hear you say. Sure, only in 2020, several of those events will be somehow “extra”. Unusual. Unheard of. Unimaginable. I expect that at least one such event will keep the public interest for several years to come.’ Later on in the article, I specifically mentioned February 2020 as the most probable month when the next world recession could start. I ascribed this to the Jupiter’s crossing the ecliptic from the north to the south in February 2020. My exact wording went: ‘This Jupiter crossing could give rise to the next world recession.’

‘It’s official: The recession began in February’, says the title of an article published on on 9 June 2020. The briskly and explicitly stated fact made my heart sing, although it shouldn’t have, of course. The news of recession is not something that we are supposed to joyfully embrace, but I did, because it confirmed the validity of my technique. (That’s one of the reasons why we predictive astrologers are not the most beloved segment of the world’s intelligentsia.)

Speaking of intelligentsia, note that I’m not mentioning clairvoyance or any other supernatural powers. I predicted all that by astrological technique, by means of knowledge that has been handed down to us from antiquity. I reckon that the reason why no other astrologer has predicted neither the pandemic nor the recession for that year (at least to my knowledge) is simply that I happen to know my stuff a bit better than the rest.

Two things, though. In my 2019 blog article, I mentioned March as the most probable month when something extraordinary would happen in the world. It is true that March was the month when covid-19 numbers started making a sharp rise, worldwide. But the parallel between Neptune and Pluto which to me was the signature pointing to a pandemic, became exact only in October 2020, therefore I announced it as an ‘epidemic in the fall’. In another blog post, dedicated exclusively to the coronavirus crisis and published on 12 March 2020, I expressed the opinion that the pandemic could ease by the summer, but could escalate anew in the fall, possibly ‘relocating’ to areas where it would have caused only minor trouble by then. I mentioned the possibility of a new virus and an outbreak of new epidemic in the fall of 2020, specifically pointing to India.

It so happened that October 2020 had been a major milestone in the development of the pandemic, because Delta variant of the SARS-cov-2 virus, originally called the ‘Indian variant’, was then first detected in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Although it started to ‘hit’ the Indians really hard only in March 2021 when the numbers of the infected – mostly by the said variant of the virus – started to rise rapidly, it became the largely predominant variant on a world-scale by the summer of 2021, due to its extreme transmissibility.

In my latest blog post related to the pandemic, published on April 26, 2021, I wrote: ‘Scientists currently fear the possibility that this new version of the virus is dangerous because it is (probably) more contagious than the others, and because the existing vaccines might not protect people from it, or not protect them enough. If this is true, and if the virus has already spread across Europe, the prospects for an end to the pandemic in Europe are poor. Based on the fact that the next two eclipses will have a strong impact upon this region, of course, although there is also the possibility of a new outbreak in China or Africa.’

Those sentences referred to the approaching eclipses of 26 May (lunar) and 10 June 2021 (solar), suggesting an uprise in covid-19 cases in Europe in the period following the eclipses. What had followed can be seen in the pictures below – a sharp rise in cases across Europe from June onwards, in spite of the majority of the population having been wholly vaccinated. In China, the number of daily recorded cases rose from about 300 in May to about 1900 in August, and the epidemic has still not been brought under control. But it is even more fascinating how those eclipses affected the African continent. As the picture shows, covid cases (and deaths) experienced a sharp rise from late May onwards. Sources: Statista and Reuters


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