The original title of this article was 'THE ZODIAC PROBLEM or GETTING BACK TO THE BASICS'. I sent it for publication to two astrological associations' journals, both rejected it. Judging by their replies I have come to the conclusion that they don't want to publish something that questions 'the validity of other astrological approaches' - brackets because one editor explicitly stated that. I was shocked, of course, because - do we really think, and want to think, that all astrological approaches are valid? Do we want to be that complacent? Do we want to silence those whose thorough knowledge and long practice and expertise in astrology have brought them to some conclusions that could EVOLVE the whole field of astrology? In other words, are we really happy with the fact…
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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Please note that my latest book DAILY MOON 2022 (an original daily lunar and planetary planner), published in 4 editions (for 4 different world regions ie time zones) is now available at all Amazon stores. As it is meant for a wider public (astrologers and laymen alike), it will make a nice Christmas gift for yourself and your family and friends. I advise you to order as soon as possible because Amazon deliveries are getting delayed at the close of the year (December especially). Now, to the article. It must have been November or December 2018 when a journalist writing for a women's magazine approached me with questions that are so typical for that time of the year: What will 2019 bring us? The interview was published in…
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The May/June 2021 eclipse season (and Covid-19)

So, what's up? The next eclipse season is knocking on our doors! A total lunar eclipse of 21 May 2021 will be followed by an annular solar eclipse on 10 June, making for some strong 'vibes' that will restructure the geomagnetic fields and could bring some profound changes to one of the most densely populated and strategically important continents, Europe. Judging by the ACG maps, both eclipses will have a considerable effect on this part of the globe. The Sun/MC and Moon/IC line of the lunar eclipse runs along the 10° east longitude, with the accompanying nodes at about 16.5° east, whereas the consequent solar eclipse will run along exactly the same longitude, 16.5° east, with the nodes at 7° east. The combined effect means that the region between 7°…
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A total eclipse of the Sun on the longest day of the year? What effects could this have for the Earth and its inhabitants? We had one on the same degree, only 11 arc minutes off, 19 years ago. But the 2001 one was "total total" whereas this years' will be "annular total". The physical difference is that with the total eclipse, the Moon completely cover the Sun whereas with an annular eclipse, the Moon is at apogee (or close to it), at its furthest from the Earth, so that it appears smaller, with the consequence that the outer ring of the Sun remains visible throughout the duration of the eclipse. Total, annular and hybrid (a combination of total and annular) eclipses are stronger than partial ones. But is there…
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Excerpt from my book Horary Astrology - Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases (available on Amazon)   Early “stargazers” (they could also be called ancient astronomers / astrologers, since both fields of research were once inextricably linked) studied the skies for purely practical reasons. In order to organize their daily lives, our ancestors had to create a calendar that told them when the seasons would change, and when they could expect droughts, rains, floods and other weather changes. The paths of the “moving stars” (the Sun, the Moon and the visible planets) and the positions of seemingly immovable stars were dutifully traced through millenia, and the space behind them was divided into segments. Both the number and the size of those segments differed from continent to continent and…
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March, have mercy

In my 31 December 2019 blog, I predicted March to be the worst month of 2020 - especially its second part. What could this refer to? Much has already been said, but now that we have come to the middle of the month, let me reiterate and add some additional insights. In that blog, I mentioned the possibility of a next world recession starting already in February, and markets then really started to show strong bearish tendencies. In the first half of March, there was a Black Monday on 9 March when DJI plummeted 1800 points on opening, and a Black Thursday on 12 March when US stock markets suffered from the greatest single-day percentage fall since the 1987 stock market crash. What is to follow? Nothing good, I dare…
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COVID-19 and possible future pandemics

When I predicted a new epidemic for 2020 in my blog of 31 December 2019, I made a small mistake by expressing the opinion that it would break out in the fall. I should have known better - after all, it was me who have discovered that in parallels of latitude, the orb of influence is 20 minutes (of arc). Incidentally (but not so, of course), the disease broke out around New Year when the distance between Neptune and Pluto - the two planets that "caused" the onset of epidemic - was pretty much exactly 20 minutes! The first death was reported on 11 January and in less than three months, WHO declared a COVID-19 pandemic, with well over 110,000 confirmed cases and over 4000 dead. Now, what is to…
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The old year is slowly drifting away while the new one is about to be born. What will it bring us? One thing is sure - it's going to be a "wow" year, with many important changes and surprising events. There will be sudden leaps in human consciousnes, leading to important discoveries and new lifestyles, but also devastating weather and other natural events. Like every year, I hear you say. Sure, only in 2020, several of those events will be somehow "extra". Unusual. Unheard of. Unimaginable. I expect that at least one such event will keep the public interest for several years to come. My forecasts (or let's rather say expectations or strong possibilities) are mainly focused on the first part of the year, because a year of time is…
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This article is an excerpt from my book Horary Astrology - Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases (available in paperback at Amazon) The time of the question is that moment when we feel a strong need to get an answer to a question. It's very important that we write the question down – word for word, since many mistakes in interpretation are due to the fact that questions are not clearly expressed. If the querent is someone else than ourselves, it's even more important that the question is formulated as clearly as possible. This way we avoid misunderstandings – as has been explained in the first chapter of this book. Next we write down the date and exact time of the question. If we are our own astrologers,…
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