
Ema Kurent was born and lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia (a small European country bordering on Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia). As astrologer of 25 years she is held in high esteem in her own country and abroad. She has done a pioneering job in introducing the subject of astrology to her part of the world. Since almost the beginning of her career, Ema specializes in traditional and predictive astrology, and is busy consulting, teaching and writing. Her extensive education and ample experience in personal consultations, teaching and international speaking qualifies her as one of the world’s top astrologers.


Her professional qualifications are D.F. Astrol. S. (Diploma Faculty of Astrological Studies, 1990), Q.H.P. (Qualified Horary Practitioner, 1993), CMA (Certified Medieval Astrologer, 2004) and ISAR CAP (Certified Astrological Professional from International Society of Astrological Research, 2010). She was among the most talented students at the FAS and received a gold medal for the best overall diploma work. She has had additional training in locational astrology. She also holds BA in English and German languages from the University in Ljubljana.


She was the first to teach astrology in her country (1989). In 1999, she founded Astrological Academy Stella, a 3- year program consisting of 9 individual courses for which she also wrote 9 accompanying manuals. Her students who successfuly pass the diploma exam receive the title DAstrolS. There is hardly an astrologer in her country who hasn’t done at least part of her training. Since 2012, her school is ISAR-affiliated, meaning that its program meets the high educational standards that this international astrological association sets to astrology schools worldwide.

Books and articles

Her book Sonce in Luna (The Sun and the Moon – 144 astrological combinations) which first came out in Slovenian language in 1997, soon became a bestseller and was republished in 2004. Due to a relatively small number of Slovenian speaking astrologers (there are only some two million people speaking her native language) she has never published her 9 comprehensive manuals in Slovenian. In 2015, her book Horarna astrologija was published in Slovenian and was subsequently translated into English to be published in 2019 as Horary Astrology: Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases. She has been publishing a yearly publication Lunin vodnik (Moon Guide) for 17 consecutive years whereas her latest English publications are Daily Moon 2021 and Daily Moon 2022 – an abridged version of her Lunin vodnik which comes in four editions, applicable to four different world regions (ie time zones). She has made numerous TV-appearances and interviews in Slovenian and English press. In 2007, she participated in the Dancing With The Stars TV show. Dozens of her astrological articles in English language have been published in The Horary Practitioner, Traditional Astrologer, The Mountain Astrologer,  AA Journal, ISAR Journal, The Midheaven Magazine, NCGR Newsletter, NCGR Special Editions and elsewhere, and have so far been translated into Spanish and Chinese.


She is a NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research), ISAR (International Society of Astrological Reasearch) and AFAN (Association of Astrological Networking) member. She spoke at the 3rd Balkan Conference in Belgrade in 2003, three times at the Slovenian international astrology congress (2010, 2011 and 2020), at the AA Conference in Great Britain (2012 and 2017), at the United Astrology Congress (New Orleans, 2012), at the 24th, 25th and 26th International Astrology Conferences of the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology in Calcutta India (2014, 2015, 2016), at the ISAR 2014 Conference in Phoenix, USA, in Poland (2015), South Africa (2015), at ISAR Symposium in Costa Mesa, Ca, 2016, at the Astrological Lodge of London (2012 and 2017), at the 42nd Annual International Astrological Conference in New Delhi (2019) and to the Brighton Astrology Circle ( 2012 and 2017). She has also participated in several online conferences and interviews.