Excerpt from my book Horary Astrology - Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases (available on Amazon) Early “stargazers” (they could also be called ancient astronomers / astrologers, since both fields of research were once inextricably linked) studied the skies for purely practical reasons. In order to organize their daily lives, our ancestors had to create a calendar that told them when the seasons would change, and when they could expect droughts, rains, floods and other weather changes. The paths of the “moving stars” (the Sun, the Moon and the visible planets) and the positions of seemingly immovable stars were dutifully traced through millenia, and the space behind them was divided into segments. Both the number and the size of those segments differed from continent to continent and…
This article is an excerpt from my book Horary Astrology - Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases (available in paperback at Amazon) The time of the question is that moment when we feel a strong need to get an answer to a question. It's very important that we write the question down – word for word, since many mistakes in interpretation are due to the fact that questions are not clearly expressed. If the querent is someone else than ourselves, it's even more important that the question is formulated as clearly as possible. This way we avoid misunderstandings – as has been explained in the first chapter of this book. Next we write down the date and exact time of the question. If we are our own astrologers,…
Kaj nam pomeni Luna? Romantiko? Oddaljeni satelit Zemlje, ki z našim življenjem nima nobene zveze? Ali kaj tretjega? Razmišljujočemu in osveščenemu človeku pomeni Luna vsekakor nekaj tretjega, saj se zavedamo, kako izjemen vpliv ima na življenje na Zemlji. Ste kdaj pomislili, kakšno bi bilo naše življenje brez Lune? Zaradi Luninega vpliva na gravitacijo bi se Zemlja obračala na svoji osi precej hitreje, dnevi bi bili mnogo krajši (med 5 in 8 ur), noči mnogo temnejše, plimovanja skoraj ne bi bilo. Bistveno pa je, da brez Lune življenje na Zemlji ne bi bilo tako, kakršno je! Ljudje ne bi obstajali – vsaj ne taki, kakršni smo. Pomislite samo, kako močno je s Soncem in Luno, ki odseva njegovo svetlobo, povezan biološki razvoj organizmov. Kako bi se razvijal naš vid brez Lune?…
WHICH HOUSE RULES CARS? /This article was originally published at / The third, of course. It takes us around… No, the second! It's our possession! Come on, you're both wrong. The car is in the first, because it's like “the ship I sail in”. Sounds familiar? I'll be very straight: this article is meant to prove that cars are in the third house, whatever their brand, colour or age, and in whatever way your horary question concerns them. This may sound like a very ambitious task, and it is, because a car is a very heavy vehicle and it takes enormous strength to carry it from one house to another. But let's try – it may prove being worth the trouble :) Our first step in moving the car is, of…
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Sonce in Luna - 144 zodiakalnih kombinacij (DZS, 1998, 2003) (The Sun and the Moon - 144 zodiacal combinations) 144 Sun-Moon combinations in a birth chart. Available for translation.
Lunin vodnik (Moon Guide) A yearly publication in Slovenian language, first published in 2005
It is an old astrological belief that deaths of famous people are »announced« or »foretold« by eclipses. Modern astrologers, as far as I know, don’t practice such dire predictions any more, but that’s not to say that it can’t be done. Traditional astrology has made its way into modern astrological practice and it even has – as far as I can tell – the only tools that work to such end. Surely, not all eclipses are equally strong. Total eclipses, solar and lunar, are much stronger that partial. Besides, lunar eclipses relate more to deaths of women, the solar ones to deaths of men. Once, those famous people whose deaths were predicted by those bold astrologers, were kings. Today, they can be political leaders – or pop stars. Based on…
The Use of Declination in Mundane and Personal Predictive Work This article was published in the April/May 2012 issue of The Mountain Astrologer. It'll be uploaded shortly. WHO WINS THE 2012 USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION? (This article was originally published in the ISAR Journal in August 2012.) The 57th quadrennial United States Presidential Election will be held on November 6, 2012. My astrological analysis focuses on the incumbent, President Barrack Obama[i] (of the Democratic Party), against the Republican candidate Mitt Romney[ii]. My tools / astrological techniques My research is based mainly on eclipses which have been since ancient times the primary predictive tool of a mundane astrologer. Ptolemy wrote, in the chapter on predictions concerning general conditions of countries and cities: »The first and most potent cause of such events lies in the…