GREEK DEBT AND THE EURO CRISIS (This article was originally published in the NCGR Memberletter of March/April 2012)   There has been much talk among astrologers lately, concerning the Greek debt and the Euro crisis. Let’s do some research and see how the planets reflect this situation, and how they could influence future developments! The Euro contract chart Below is the chart of the official signing of the Euro contract among the nations. The data was provided by Pat Geisler of USA who recorded the exact time of the signing of the document. As another financial astrologer, Elizabeth Gregory, suggested, this chart could be used as an “Euro incorporation chart”, to distinguish it from various other charts, related to the start of circulation and trading of the currency. The chart seems…
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 Author: EMA KURENT, DFAstrolS, QHP, CMA  monomoiria: This is the apportioning of individual degrees to each of the planets starting with either the sign ruler and continuing in descending Chaldean order, or the triplicity / trigon lord, and varying with sect.* (The above definition is from the list of terms commonly found in the translations of ancient astrological texts by Robert Schmidt and Robert Hand.) TABLE OF MONOMOIRIA Much has been written on the subject of the 360 zodiacal degrees, the most widely known being the so-called Sabian symbols. I have never seriously researched them, nor have I researched any other method - except MONOMOIRIA which is the topic of this article. I don´t know of any contemporary astrologer who might have published anything on the subject of monomoiria, except the…
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with THREE UNUSUAL CASES from my files   Timing in horary astrology is my specialty. I cannot stop wondering how accurate a clock our planetary system is, and with what precision the unfoldment of events can be predicted by simple, straightforward techniques. My timing lectures usually start like this: »You see, my dear students, this is the zodiacal circle. The circle has 360 degrees. Every degree corresponds to one unit of time. Units can be minutes, days, weeks, months or years. To arrive by the number of time unites elapsing until the predicted event, you count the number of degrees that are separating the Moon from an exact aspect with the significator (provided the aspect is an applying one, of course), or the number of degrees that separate the Moon…
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    (Originally published in ISAR Journal, Spring 2014 edition) Ema Kurent Introduction “I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.” (Mark Twain)[i] A romantic view of life and death, or a spark of a genious mind? Incidentally, Mark Twain died on April 21, 1910, the day following the comet's subsequent return. And as “freakish” as it may seem, my research suggests that his birth and death were indeed powerfully related to Halley’s Comet. Not because the years…
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